Thursday, May 2, 2013

Way too windy to fly today!

 I've gotten upgraded batteries for a couple of my planes, crashed one into a playa lake several weeks ago due to a receiver problem (broken antenna) but, just like the last one that went into the drink, the plane washed up after a few hours and I found that it could be repaired. Someday I will order a new receiver for it and I can bind it to the good Dx5e transmitter. I might have to replace the ESC but I'll test it first. The Hawk Sky pnp from Grayson, I should note, was assembled with down thrust and substantial reinforcement of the fuselage, and a more efficient prop. And I should also mention, in regard to the Firebird Stratos, that I'm using a 64 rubberband to hold the wing on in back, rather than the pin provided. Not as neat but much easier to use.

I've been on a spending spree! From a local guitar outlet I bought a Line 6 amp. Nice! It is a Spider IV, a small one, but the effects sound great and it is plenty loud enough. Guitar is yet another hobby of mine.

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