Thursday, May 16, 2013

More flying and more planes--

Yesterday morning I flew the EZ Hawk. That afternoon I took out one of my Firebird Stratos planes (those thing fly great!) and a young guy living nearby walked up to me and asked me if I wanted some planes. He'd seen me fly and had a couple he didn't want to take with him when he and his wife moved (they were going to move soon, it seemed, but only about five miles away)-- and of course I agreed to take them off of his hands. I got a pair of 2 meter gliders, covered, sans radio equipment. One had an .049 engine and the other was set up for electric flight. Well, I've got a bunch of receivers ordered, and I'll need two motors, speed controls, and four servos. I think I've got enough servos. A couple of folding props for the motors will complete the picture, and I've got two more planes. This morning I started covering the Sophisticated Lady wing. That will make three 2 meter powered gliders with traditional balsa construction. This is starting to be a lot of planes! And I got another flight in this hot afternoon, with the same Stratos I flew yesterday. I have NO ROOM for any more planes!

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