Monday, April 22, 2013

Small RC foamies and high wind don't mix!

The wind wasn't howling today but it was strong enough to make mincemeat of my Hobby Zone T-28. Uncontrollable. It crashed, hard. I put it back together with hot melt glue but had to sever the rudder linkage. Too bent. I figured it would do fine on elevator and aileron. And it did, but the wind caught it again and it went down in the middle of a playa lake. I figured the wind would eventually blow it ashore, and it did, after about five hours. My wife, whose patience with my hobby is saint-like, helped me recover it. I cleaned it under hot running tap water and then rinsed with bottled water. I'll let it dry overnight and see whether the electronics survived. I tossed the lipo battery but I've got two more. Park Flyer type rc aircraft just don't do well in this area. But I'm getting a better sense of what I want to fly. I tried a somewhat larger aircraft yesterday and had great results. It was windy, but a larger and heavier aircraft can handle the wind better.

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