Today, taking advantage of rare good weather, I flew the Hawk Sky
from Grayson Hobbies, with excellent results. When I got the plane I
noticed that the ailerons were "reflexed", so that with the stick
neutral they both deflected down about 3 degrees. I left them like that.
In effect, the middle section of the wing has undercamber. I set up the
motor pod with a 1/32 inch shim at the back edge to give downthrust and
substituted a gray nylon Park Zone pusher for the stock prop. I used a
Genesis 25c 1800 mah 11.1 volt lipo. I used hot-glued spruce strips to
beef up the nose section and a Spectrum AR 600 receiver and a DX5E
transmitter. The long part of the antenna wire got taped to the side of
the fuselage, below the canopy. I used spruce to create a stronger front
canopy latch, enlarged the ventilation holes, reinforced the wing
leading edges with wide packing tape, used hot glue to hold the wings in
place, and applied wide outdoor duct tape along the fuselage bottom. I
can report that this plane is an excellent flyer! It flew fast and
tracked well in 15mph gusts. It wanted to climb so bad that it needed a
lot of down trim to keep it in sight. I used low rates on the controls
and still found it very responsive. It flew so well, I took my EZ Hawk
from Nitroplanes and added 1/2 inch to each aileron, reflexing that part
down about 5 degrees, to get that undercamber. Now I find that I can
launch this plane at half throttle and it goes straight ahead,
with little tendency to nose in. It is much easier to control in wind,
climbs much better, and lands very slowly, almost as though it had
flaps. I am really pleased with these planes!
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