Monday, August 11, 2014

Almost Lost The EZ Hawk

I flew it high and far and got overconfident and just lost sight of it. But I knew what I was doing when it vanished, turning it back around, and I was familiar enough with its control response to realize that it was most likely heading back to me. Sure enough, in a little while I could see it again, coming back but in a right bank. I corrected that and got it back and the flight finished with a perfect landing about twenty feet in front of me, in tall grass.

When I am ready for another airplane I've got lots of options. I like the new FMS powered gliders, there's a new powered glider from Hobby Zone I really like-- if I bought every plane I want I'd need a hanger to keep them in! I am so lucky to have a great place to fly half-a-block from where I live!

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