Monday, August 11, 2014

Almost Lost The EZ Hawk

I flew it high and far and got overconfident and just lost sight of it. But I knew what I was doing when it vanished, turning it back around, and I was familiar enough with its control response to realize that it was most likely heading back to me. Sure enough, in a little while I could see it again, coming back but in a right bank. I corrected that and got it back and the flight finished with a perfect landing about twenty feet in front of me, in tall grass.

When I am ready for another airplane I've got lots of options. I like the new FMS powered gliders, there's a new powered glider from Hobby Zone I really like-- if I bought every plane I want I'd need a hanger to keep them in! I am so lucky to have a great place to fly half-a-block from where I live!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Nothing new to report...

... and that is why I have not posted anything in a long time. I'm still flying the same planes in the same place. I'm finding it possible to do mild aerobatics with the FMS 1280 after upgrading the prop. The FMS 800 works well on rudder and elevator, ailerons disabled, after modifying the wingtips. The old EZ Hawk soldiers on. I have not crashed anything in a long time. No news!