Thursday, April 17, 2014

Foamy Chuck Glider + Dynam Wing

My weird hybrid RC project gave me good results this time. I mated a fuselage from a large foam glider I bought from Hobby Lobby to a set of wings from a wrecked Dynam Hawk Sky. The hybrid has elevator and aileron only. Pics below illustrate the set-up. My first flight with this plane was not good. I took it out in fairly high wind and it was hard to control. I got it down safely and added an extension to the vertical stabilizer, and trimmed the wings. This morning's flight, in winds almost as strong, was very good. This plane is stable in its current configuration, has plenty of power (it can fly quite fast), will do nice loops, and flies inverted with only a little down elevator. It needs down trim if over 50% throttle to keep it from climbing excessively. It flies very nicely at low speed. Rolls are possible but they turn out like corkscrews. I'm quite happy with this plane, even though it is not too pretty. I'll build another plane in the future with this layout and make it look nicer. 

 I use the Dynam Hawk Sky motor and 3 cell lipo. 

 I made a plywood firewall/motor mount and switched the prop around.

 This tiny motor has plenty of power for this plane. It turned out light.
 I used a cheap Spektrum receiver and a DX-5e I got on eBay.

Fuselage sides were beefed up with spruce strips and I added a balsa ventral keel.
 The tape is just there for looks.
 I started with a fuselage like this. I cut out the section above the wing slots and hollowed out the piece I removed to accomodate the receiver and wiring.

 I used the glider's horizontal stabilizer, with modifications, and made the elevator from foamcore.

 This is the elevator servo.

I mounted the battery under tape and just leave it there. The result isn't pretty but this plane flies really well.

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