Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Good Flying Weather

Yesterday I had a very long flight with the Hawk Sky, catching a lot of thermals. I used an 1800 mah battery and that helped too. I should have had the camera on board because I really got a lot of altitude. I'm trying to find some binocular glasses that will let me fly these planes to about a thousand foot altitude. I might not be able to do any flying today because of heavy rainfall last night.  The winds are light but my flying area is going to be very wet.

I sold the Blade Nano QX on eBay. I just could not get the hang of flying it, and it was way too easy to lose when flying outside.

Down at the end of this page, on the Links Of Interest, I posted a link to an article about Riley Wooten. He used to have a hobby shop on 34th Street. I bought a couple of planes from him way back in 1969, and then began in radio control by buying my first plane and equipment from him in about 1982, I guess. Flite-Line Products was the name of that shop. My wife's late husband knew Mr. Wooten. They worked on planes together in the room I am currently using as my "office/hobby" area.  

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