Saturday, March 29, 2014

Completing Survey

These pics complete the survey. Actually they are stills captured from video.


Environmental Surveys Via RC Aircraft

We are in a drought here, and I used my Firebird Stratos recently to do some environmental monitoring in my own neighborhood, examining two nearby Playa lakes. I also looked for illegal dumping in alleys. I used the usual keychain camera. I find that the Firebird Stratos works well for this purpose, because it is so stable.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Firebird Stratos Aerobatic Video

Using an improvised headset cam, actually a key chain camera taped to my glasses, I got this video of my well-used Firebird Stratos doing aerobatics, to the extent that it is able. Mostly loops and corkscrew turns. I also show the process needed to initialize the AS3X on this plane.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Toooo Windy

I got a little flying in a few days ago, but mostly the wind is too strong. So, I had a little adventure with a model of the USS New Jersey I bought at an estate sale. I set it adrift on the north side of a playa "lake" (more of a small pond, now, due to drought). I figured the north breeze would push it slowly to the south side and that's where I found it several hours later. I'll probably try that again on another playa lake but this time I'll just leave it. I took photos, of course...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

While we are on the topic of pawnshop guitars...

... let me show you some pics of an old Guyatone I found in a local pawnshop for $50. I sold it on eBay for over $700!

The guitar in the background is a Series 10, as I recall, another pawnshop oddball. I eventually gave that one away. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lots Of Wind!

It's been tough to find flying opportunities, given all the wind lately. Yesterday was good, so I got some time in with a couple of planes. But I found a Standard Series Squire Jagmaster in a local pawnshop. I got it for less than $100, tax included. Not a thing wrong with it. I've wanted something like that for a long time. Plays great, sounds great. Since it looks like it'll be too windy to do any flying the rest of the week, I can spend time exploring the different sounds I can get out of this guitar.

Monday, March 10, 2014

One Day Of Decent Weather!

I took advantage, yesterday, of one day of weather good enough to fly. I used four different models: the Easy Trainer 1280, the Firebird Stratos, The FMS 800, and the Cessna Champ. The FMS 800 is a lot less twitchy and more fun to fly now that I have converted it into a rudder, throttle, elevator only plane, by unplugging the ailerons and plugging the rudder servo into the aileron slot in the receiver. I smoothed over the ailerons with tape. I'm keeping the plane like this. When I can find suitable thin, light, foam, I will extend the wingtips, effectively creating more dihedral. Or, I might try cutting partway through the wingtips from the bottom, chordwise, so I can bend the tips up. I can fill the gap this would create at the bottom of the wing with foam and sand smooth. I'd like to get the wings swept up as sharply as they are on a Radian.